A new project “Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe (SIM4NEXUS)” has been selected by the European Commission to sign a Grant Agreement for an overall grant of nearly € 8,000,000. The project, which involves 26 partners from 15 countries is led by Wageningen UR (The Netherlands), will start in May 2016 and run for 4 years.
SIM4NEXUS will develop innovative methodologies to facilitate the design of policies and bridge knowledge and technology gaps in the field of the water-land-food-energy-climate Nexus under climate change conditions. The project aims to develop a methodology of integration using a complexity science approach and a Serious Game, as an integrating tool for testing and evaluating policy decisions. The Serious Game will be operable at different scales ranging from regional to national, to continental, to global, as well as at different time horizons—short, medium and long-term.
“SIM4NEXUS has 4 objectives”, explains George Beers, the Project Coordinator, “namely to adopt existing knowledge and develop new expertise on the Nexus, to reduce uncertainties of how policies, governance and institutions affect complex changing environmental systems, to showcase the implementation by a network of regional and national case studies in Europe and to valorise the project outputs by creating project spinoffs.” Such approach is in the core of the EU research and innovation policy, as “this is an ambitious and challenging project which positions European research and business as frontrunners at the global level”.
The 26 partners of SIM4NEXUS are from 15 countries (NL, EL, UK, DE, ES, IT, JP, SE, CZ, DK, FR, AT, LV, AZ and BE), namely: Wageningen UR, NL; University of Thessaly, EL; University of Exeter, UK; Stichting IHE Delft, NL; Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, DE; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES; Bocconi University, IT; United Nations University /Bonn, JP; University of Cambridge, UK; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE; Uppsala University, SE; Eurecat, ES; University of Sassari, IT; ENKI, CZ; Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, NL; DHI Group, DK; South West Water, UK; ACTeon, FR; Epsilon Malta Limited, MT; Cambridge Econometrics, UK; Strane Innovation, FR; Fresh Thoughts, AT; Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia, LV; Association for civil society development in Azerbaijan, AZ; People & Water, SK; Water and Sanitation Technology Platform, BE.
Further information will be uploaded at www.sim4nexus.eu (under construction).
Eurecat Technology Centre, the major Technology Centre of Catalonia, provides the expertise in technology transfer activities related to the application of intelligent management and decision support tools, interoperable platforms, open and Linked Data environments and knowledge management solutions specially implemented to share the water domain knowledge between multi-level stakeholders.
Eurecat has developed knowledge management tools in order to enhance the interoperability between systems by the definition of ontologies, advanced data management, software technologies, Web 2.0 and the semantic web. Therefore, Eurecat will contribute towards the project objectives by providing experience in producing a Knowledge Elicitation Engine able to understand the Gaming Learning Goals and provide relevant feedback and recommendations to Serious Gaming platform users. More concretely, Eurecat will lead Serious Game development.