IWO (ICT for Water Observatory):
The main outcomes of WIDEST is provide a community of water research documentation, centralizing it.
In this sense, the IWO, aligned with WIDEST project vision, has the objective of promoting the dissemination and exploitation of ICT for Water related information and become an aggregator of existing private/public technology, innovation and research advances and trends.
All this information will be collected, analyzed and categorized inside the ICT for Water Observatory (IWO).
The main goal is to make citizen take benefit of all EU funded activities, but also take benefit of existing technologies in industry, academy or any other source. However, the water sector includes several actors and stakeholders with different necessities and interests, hence the IWO must provide concrete and relevant information to each one of them, making the observatory much more effective and focused.
WIDEST will provide three topical roadmaps and make them aviable for ICT4WATER Community, these will enchance implementation, interoperability and standarization of the existing solutions. Overall Roadmaps will Provide specific analyses and recommendations for policy makers and other readers. Establish common frameworks such as standards and guidelines. And enhance implementation, interoperability, and economy of scale, standardisation and business opportunities of the already existing solutions on the projects portfolios within a holistic approach.
See RoadmapsPortfolio:
Produce a portfolio of effective ICT for Water management technologies of varying readiness and propose the methodology to build, update and execute this portfolio. Such methodology will include a detailed study to provide a comprehensive knowledge base of latest water related technological advances. This knowledge will be acquired by the main actors in the field of ICT for Water and therefore, the application of best management practices and new developments to address needs and opportunities in the water field will be easier.
See PortfoliosDissemination:
Will focus on devoping a variety of material suitable for dissemination, and getting this material to other stakeholders and the public at large, addressing issues and opportunities that cannot be addressed without the whole picture. Establishing an Action Group in the EIP on Water or EIP on Smart Cities is also a major goal. This will include web lectures conferences, workshops, and Special Sessions to encourage interaction with stakeholders and the public, host panel discussions on central issues (e.g. roadmap, standards etc.) and provide opportunities for video lectures, panel discussions, interviews etc. and share this information with stakeholders and the public.
See News