The WISDOM project has developed and tested an intelligent ICT system that enables “just in time” actuation and monitoring of the water value chain from water abstraction to discharge, in order to optimise the management of water resources. The goals of the project were to:
- Increase user awareness and modify behaviours concerning the use of water
- Achieve quantifiable and significant reduction of water consumption
- Achieve peak-period reduction of water and energy distribution loads
- Improved resource efficiency and business operations of water utilities due to ICT
The WISDOM project is concluding in January 2017 and it will be holding the project's final event on the 19th January 2017 in Cardiff. The final event is a key opportunity to find out more about the leading research that has been conducted in WISDOM and see their results first hand. This event will combine technical presentations from invited speakers from the EU ICT4Water Cluster along with live demonstrations and stakeholder workshops.
Participation is free of charge.
More information on the project and on the event and registration is available at: