This workshop for and by Young Water Professionals (YWPs), is developed by the International Water Association on behalf of the partners of WIDEST, a European Commission project, which aims to establish an interconnected ICT for Water community.
Climate change, population growth and increasing urbanisation, are driving the ‘smart’ growth of cities that are resilient and regenerative. One of the principle forces behind this are the many Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) being applied throughout the water cycle. How can smart water strategies enable effective supply and demand management, increase citizen awareness about water scarcity and improve the management of infrastructure of utilities and businesses?
A roadmap on Smart City Connection is currently under development by WIDEST partners, which provides policy and decision makers from municipalities and utilities an overview of the main aspects that need to be considered to effectively design and integrate ICT for Water solutions and strategies. This workshop aims to spark fresh ideas from Young Water Professionals via interactive exercises, group discussions, and dialogue with ‘senior’ water professionals to design a YWP version of this roadmap. Key challenges and recommendations will be identified to drive the development of ICT solutions for Water in Smart Cities, which may be integrated in the WIDEST roadmap to be shared with the European Commission.
Are you a Young Water Professional and would you like to help shape this event? Contact
the International Water Association (IWA): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More info about the workshop:
YWP WorkshopCall for Interest